Turn 37%
of your Customers
into Salespeople

Use referrals to get qualified leads, boost your conversion rate, and shorten sales cycles.

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Leads from referral dashboard


Referral Platform for Sales Teams

Reaz co-founderReaz co-founder
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Selling is hard. We've been there, making countless cold calls, sending endless emails, and chasing elusive prospects.
But then, we discovered the game-changing secret that transforms everything.

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Enzo and Kevin, Reaz Co-founders

Benefit from client referral superpowers


of customers are willing to give a referral if asked

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Existing customers hold the key to quick business growth

Reaz logo

Say hello to a network of warm leads

Using Reaz, you tap into the hidden goldmine of referrals, generating high-quality leads, boosting conversion rates, and fostering unwavering customer loyalty.
You'll turn your satisfied customers into your most powerful advocates.

Join the movement

Start an exciting journey and reshape your sales future.

Start now

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Identify Ambassadors

Recognize your loyal customers and true customer advocates using NPS, Data Usage Analysis, Customer Longevity, Previous Referrals, Testimonials, and more.

Identify Ambassadors
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Define your triggers

Strategically time your referral requests. By integrating with your systems, Reaz identifies moments such as positive feedback, contract renewals, or significant milestones as optimal triggers.

Define your triggers


Create your referral pages

Utilize AI to craft GDPR-compliant referral pages that mirror your brand, ensuring a seamless and secure experience for your advocates.

Stripe referral pageLinkedin sales navigator referal page
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Play with a real exemple

Email sent


Automate your referral cadences

Reaz sends automated, personalized referral requests through the sales and marketing teams email addresses, connecting directly with your email providers for consistent engagement.

Automated referrals

Get leads before your competitors

... and only pay for results.

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